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The Benefits of Downloading for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Download: How to Install and Use Jenkins for Continuous Integration and Delivery

Jenkins is an open source automation server that provides hundreds of plugins to support building, testing, deploying, and automating any project. It is widely used by developers and DevOps teams to implement continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices. In this article, we will explain what Jenkins is, how to download and install it on different platforms, and how to use it for various tasks. download

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is a self-contained Java-based program that runs in a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat. It can be used as a simple CI server or turned into a continuous delivery hub for any project. It helps automate the parts of software development related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying software.

Jenkins features and benefits

Some of the main features and benefits of Jenkins are:

  • It is open source and free of cost.

  • It is easy to install and configure via its web interface, which includes error checks and built-in help.

  • It has a rich plugin ecosystem that integrates with practically every tool in the CI/CD toolchain.

  • It can be extended via its plugin architecture, providing nearly infinite possibilities for what Jenkins can do.

  • It can distribute work across multiple machines, helping drive builds, tests, and deployments across multiple platforms faster.

  • It supports multiple languages and frameworks.

  • It provides a powerful scripting capability with Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) for defining pipelines.

  • It offers various ways to trigger builds, such as by schedule, by webhook, by pull request, by manual input, etc.

  • It generates test reports and provides various ways to visualize them.

  • It supports parallel and distributed execution of pipelines and jobs.

  • It provides security features such as authentication, authorization, encryption, audit trail, etc.

Jenkins architecture and components

The basic architecture of Jenkins consists of the following components: download war file download docker image download for windows download for linux download for macos download kubernetes download ubuntu download red hat download opensuse download freebsd download gentoo download openbsd download openindiana hipster download aws codebuild download azure download google cloud download oracle cloud download civo kubernetes download lts version download weekly version download changelog download upgrade guide download past releases download verify package download installation steps download hardware and software requirements download web interface download plugins download extensible architecture download distributed builds download continuous integration and continuous delivery download gsoc 2023 projects download user stories download documentation download pipeline download blue ocean download managing Jenkins download securing Jenkins download system administration download scaling Jenkins download troubleshooting Jenkins download glossary download tutorials download guided tour download Jenkins pipeline download declarative pipeline download scripted pipeline download pipeline syntax download pipeline examples

  • Jenkins master: The central server that manages the entire Jenkins system. It hosts the web interface, stores the configuration data, schedules the builds, assigns the work to the agents, monitors the agents, and collects the results.

  • Jenkins agent: A machine or a container that executes the tasks assigned by the master. It can run on different operating systems or platforms. It communicates with the master via Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP), SSH, or other protocols.

  • Jenkins plugin: A piece of software that extends the functionality of Jenkins. It can add new features, integrations, UI elements, etc. There are over 1,800 plugins available in the Jenkins Update Center.

  • Jenkins pipeline: A way of defining the workflow of a CI/CD process using code. It can be written using a graphical editor or a Groovy-based DSL. It consists of stages, steps, and directives that describe how to perform various tasks such as building, testing, deploying, etc.

  • Jenkins job: A basic unit of work in Jenkins. It can be a single task or a pipeline. It can be triggered by various events or manually. It can have parameters, environment variables, artifacts, etc. It can also have downstream or upstream dependencies with other jobs.

How to download Jenkins

Jenkins can be downloaded from its official website,, or from various other sources such as GitHub, Docker Hub, etc. Depending on the platform and the use case, there are different options and requirements for downloading Jenkins.

Jenkins download options and requirements

The main download options for Jenkins are:

  • Generic Java package (.war): This is a cross-platform option that can run on any machine that has Java installed. It can be run as a standalone application or deployed to a servlet container such as Tomcat. It is suitable for testing or quick start purposes.

  • Native packages (.msi, .rpm, .deb, etc.): These are platform-specific packages that can be installed using the native package managers such as Windows Installer, YUM, APT, etc. They provide a more convenient and secure way of installing and running Jenkins as a service. They also include the Java runtime environment (JRE) and other dependencies.

  • Docker image: This is a containerized option that can run on any machine that has Docker installed. It provides a lightweight and isolated environment for running Jenkins. It can be easily customized and scaled using Docker commands and tools.

The main requirements for downloading Jenkins are:

  • Java: Jenkins requires Java 8 or 11 to run. If Java is not installed or not in the correct version, it needs to be downloaded and installed separately. The recommended way of installing Java is using a tool such as SDKMAN or Homebrew.

  • Memory: Jenkins requires at least 256 MB of memory to run, but more is recommended for better performance and stability. The memory allocation can be adjusted using the JAVA_OPTS environment variable or the -Xmx command-line option.

  • Disk space: Jenkins requires at least 1 GB of disk space to run, but more is recommended for storing the configuration data, plugins, jobs, artifacts, etc. The disk space usage can be monitored and managed using the Disk Usage plugin or the Jenkins CLI.

  • Network: Jenkins requires a network connection to download plugins, integrations, updates, etc. It also needs to communicate with the agents and other services. The network configuration can be modified using the Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Jenkins Location section or the JENKINS_URL environment variable.

Jenkins installation steps for Windows

To install Jenkins on Windows, follow these steps:

  • Download the latest stable version of Jenkins for Windows from .

  • Run the downloaded file (.msi) and follow the installation wizard.

  • Select the destination folder and the port number for Jenkins (default is 8080).

  • Choose whether to install Jenkins as a service or not (recommended).

  • Wait for the installation to complete and click Finish.

  • Open a web browser and navigate to (or the port number you chose).

  • Unlock Jenkins by copying the initial admin password from the file displayed on the screen or from C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword.

  • Paste the password in the web interface and click Continue.

  • Choose whether to install the suggested plugins or select your own plugins (recommended).

  • Create an admin user account and click Save and Continue.

  • Confirm the Jenkins URL and click Save and Finish.

  • Click Start using Jenkins to access the Jenkins dashboard.

Jenkins installation steps for Linux

To install Jenkins on Linux, follow these steps:

  • Download the latest stable version of Jenkins for your Linux distribution from .

  • If you are using a Debian-based distribution (such as Ubuntu), run the following commands in a terminal: sudo apt update sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk sudo dpkg -i jenkins.deb sudo systemctl start jenkins sudo systemctl enable jenkins

  • If you are using a Red Hat-based distribution (such as CentOS), run the following commands in a terminal: sudo yum update sudo yum install java-11-openjdk-devel sudo rpm --import sudo yum install jenkins sudo systemctl start jenkins sudo systemctl enable jenkins

  • Open a web browser and navigate to (or the port number you chose).

  • Unlock Jenkins by copying the initial admin password from the file displayed on the screen or from /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword.

  • Paste the password in the web interface and click Continue.

  • Choose whether to install the suggested plugins or select your own plugins (recommended).

  • Create an admin user account and click Save and Continue.

  • Confirm the Jenkins URL and click Save and Finish.

  • Click Start using Jenkins to access the Jenkins dashboard.

Jenkins installation steps for macOS

To install Jenkins on macOS, follow these steps:

  • Download the latest stable version of Jenkins for macOS from .

  • Run the downloaded file (.pkg) and follow the installation wizard.

  • Select the destination folder and the port number for Jenkins (default is 8080).

  • Choose whether to install Jenkins as a service or not (recommended).

  • Wait for the installation to complete and click Close.

  • Open a web browser and navigate to (or the port number you chose).

  • Unlock Jenkins by copying the initial admin password from the file displayed on the screen or from /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/secrets/initialAdminPassword.

  • Paste the password in the web interface and click Continue.

  • Choose whether to install the suggested plugins or select your own plugins (recommended).

  • Create an admin user account and click Save and Continue.

  • Confirm the Jenkins URL and click Save and Finish.

  • Click Start using Jenkins to access the Jenkins dashboard.

How to use Jenkins

Jenkins provides a web interface that allows users to create, configure, manage, and monitor pipelines and jobs. It also provides various plugins and integrations that extend its functionality and connect it with other tools and services. In this section, we will briefly introduce some of the main features and concepts of using Jenkins.

Jenkins web interface and dashboard

The Jenkins web interface is divided into several sections:

  • Header: This contains the Jenkins logo, name, version, search box, breadcrumb, login/logout button, etc.

  • Sidebar: This contains links to various pages such as Dashboard, New Item, Manage Jenkins, Credentials, People, Build History, etc.

  • Main panel: This displays the content of the selected page, such as pipelines, jobs, configuration forms, logs, etc.

  • Footer: This contains links to help pages, feedback forms, terms of use, etc.

The Jenkins dashboard is the main page that shows an overview of all the pipelines and jobs in the system. It also shows some statistics such as queue length, executor status, health report, etc. Users can filter, sort, group, or customize the view of the dashboard according to their preferences.

Jenkins plugins and integrations

Jenkins plugins are pieces of software that extend the functionality of Jenkins. They can add new features, integrations, UI elements, etc. There are over 1,800 plugins available in the Jenkins Update Center. Users can install, update, uninstall, enable, disable, or configure plugins using the Manage Plugins page in the web interface. Some of the most popular plugins are:

  • Pipeline: This plugin allows users to define pipelines using code. It provides a Groovy-based DSL for writing pipeline scripts. It also provides a graphical editor for creating pipeline stages and steps visually.

  • Git: This plugin allows users to integrate Jenkins with Git repositories. It provides options for cloning, fetching, pulling, pushing, branching, merging, tagging, etc. It also supports various Git hosting services such as GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, etc.

  • Docker: This plugin allows users to integrate Jenkins with Docker containers. It provides options for building, running, stopping, removing, pushing, pulling, inspecting, etc. Docker images and containers. It also supports various Docker registries such as Docker Hub, Amazon ECR, Google GCR, etc.

  • Maven: This plugin allows users to integrate Jenkins with Maven projects. It provides options for executing Maven goals and phases, resolving dependencies, generating reports, etc. It also supports various Maven repositories such as Nexus, Artifactory, etc.

  • JUnit: This plugin allows users to integrate Jenkins with JUnit tests. It provides options for running JUnit tests, collecting test results, generating test reports, displaying test trends, etc. It also supports various test frameworks such as TestNG, Spock, Cucumber, etc.

Users can also create their own plugins using the Jenkins Plugin Development Guide.

Jenkins pipelines and jobs

Jenkins pipelines and jobs are the basic units of work in Jenkins. They can be used to perform various tasks such as building, testing, deploying, etc.

A Jenkins pipeline is a way of defining the workflow of a CI/CD process using code. It can be written using a graphical editor or a Groovy-based DSL. It consists of stages, steps, and directives that describe how to perform various tasks such as building, testing, deploying, etc. A pipeline can have parameters, environment variables, artifacts, etc. A pipeline can also have downstream or upstream dependencies with other pipelines or jobs.

A Jenkins job is a single task or a pipeline that can be executed by Jenkins. It can be triggered by various events or manually. It can have parameters, environment variables, artifacts, etc. It can also have downstream or upstream dependencies with other jobs or pipelines.

Users can create and configure pipelines and jobs using the New Item page in the web interface. They can also use the Jenkinsfile file to store the pipeline code in the source code repository and use the Pipeline script from SCM option to load it in Jenkins.


Jenkins is an open source automation server that provides hundreds of plugins to support building, testing, deploying, and automating any project. It is widely used by developers and DevOps teams to implement continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices. In this article, we explained what Jenkins is, how to download and install it on different platforms, and how to use it for various tasks. We hope this article helped you understand the basics of Jenkins and how to get started with it.


  • What is the difference between Jenkins and Jenkins X?

Jenkins X is a cloud-native CI/CD platform that builds on top of Jenkins. It provides a higher level of abstraction and automation for creating and managing Kubernetes-based applications. It also integrates with various cloud services and tools such as GitHub, Helm, Skaffold, Tekton, etc.

  • How to update Jenkins?

Jenkins can be updated using the Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Updates page in the web interface. Users can check for available updates and install them with a single click. Users can also update Jenkins manually by downloading the latest version from and replacing the existing war file or package.

  • How to backup and restore Jenkins?

Jenkins can be backed up and restored using the Backup Plugin or the ThinBackup Plugin. These plugins allow users to backup and restore the configuration data, plugins, jobs, artifacts, etc. of Jenkins. Users can configure the backup frequency, location, retention, etc. using the web interface. Users can also backup and restore Jenkins manually by copying the JENKINS_HOME directory or using tools such as rsync, tar, zip, etc.

  • How to secure Jenkins?

Jenkins can be secured using various features and plugins such as:

  • Authentication: This allows users to log in to Jenkins using their credentials. Jenkins supports various authentication methods such as username/password, LDAP, SSO, OAuth, etc. Users can configure the authentication method using the Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security > Security Realm section or the Security Realm Plugin.

  • Authorization: This allows users to access different resources and perform different actions in Jenkins based on their roles and permissions. Jenkins supports various authorization strategies such as matrix-based, role-based, project-based, etc. Users can configure the authorization strategy using the Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security > Authorization section or the Authorization Strategy Plugin.

  • Encryption: This allows users to encrypt the communication between Jenkins and other services or agents using SSL/TLS certificates. Users can configure the encryption using the Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security > Agent protocols section or the SSL Certificate Plugin.

  • Audit trail: This allows users to track and record the activities and changes made by users in Jenkins. Users can configure the audit trail using the Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Audit Trail section or the Audit Trail Plugin.

  • How to troubleshoot Jenkins?

Jenkins provides various tools and methods for troubleshooting issues such as:

  • Logs: This allows users to view and analyze the logs generated by Jenkins and its components. Users can access the logs using the Manage Jenkins > System Log page or the Logging Plugin. Users can also access the logs from the file system or using tools such as Logstash, Splunk, etc.

  • Console output: This allows users to view and analyze the output of pipelines and jobs. Users can access the console output using the Build History page or the Console Output Plugin. Users can also use tools such as grep, awk, sed, etc. to filter and process the output.

  • Test reports: This allows users to view and analyze the test results of pipelines and jobs. Users can access the test reports using the Test Results page or the Test Report Plugin. Users can also use tools such as Allure, Report Portal, etc. to visualize and manage the test reports.

  • Support bundle: This allows users to generate and download a bundle of information about Jenkins and its environment. Users can generate a support bundle using the Manage Jenkins > Support page or the Support Core Plugin. Users can also use tools such as JIRA, Zendesk, etc. to share and resolve issues with support teams.


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